This website provides information on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) compliance within the Corning Subbasin and provides updates on the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) development. SGMA Factsheet
The Corning Subbasin is located partially within Tehama County, and partially within Glenn County. It is generally bounded by Thomes Creek to the North, Stony Creek to the south, the Sacramento River to the east, and the western edge of the alluvial aquifer at the base of the Coast Range to the west.
Planning Process and Decision Making
Corning Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Planning Process and Decision-making
The Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District serves as the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) within the Tehama County portion of the basin. The Corning Subbasin GSA, within the Glenn County portion of the basin, is composed of multiple agencies through a Memorandum of Agreement. The two GSAs in each County signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a coordinated GSP for the Corning Subbasin.
For more information on both GSAs, please visit their respective webpages, below.
Corning Subbasin Advisory Board
Purpose of the Corning Subbasin Advisory Board
The two GSAs have agreed to form a Corning Subbasin Advisory Board to advise the two GSA Boards on the development and implementation of the GSP. The CSAB membership includes members from each of the participating agencies.
The purpose of this Agreement as described in the Memorandum of Understanding is:​
To develop and implement a single GSP;
To cooperatively carry out the purposes of SGMA;
To develop, adopt, and implement a legally sufficient GSP for the Basin in order to implement SGMA requirements and achieve the sustainability goals outlined in SGMA;
To coordinate basin-wide public involvement and stakeholder outreach and engagement in developing and implementing the Corning Subbasin GSP; and
To maintain mutual respect for the autonomy of individual Members and preservation of each Member’s separate legal authorities, power, duties and rights as separate public agencies and GSAs.
Development of the Groundwater
Sustainability Plan
The County of Glenn received funding through a Department of Water Resources Proposition 1 grant and hired a consultant team led by Montgomery & Associates to develop the GSP. The consultant team is working closely with the CSAB and the GSAs' staff on the following steps:
Gather and review groundwater and other applicable data to develop foundational elements of the GSP.
Convene the CSAB to make recommendations to the two GSAs.
Review and develop an integrated hydrologic modeling tool for water budget development.
Provide technical presentations on the groundwater data and modeling to the GSAs and CSAB to inform their decision-making.
Convene Public Workshops to gather public input on initial interests and concerns for GSP planning and later, gather public input on sustainable management criteria, proposed management actions, among other topics.
Draft sections of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan and provide to the CSAB for review and recommendations to the two GSAs.
Gather public comments on the Draft GSP and consider if/how to address those comments in the Final GSP.
Draft GSP Sections
Draft GSP sections will be posted here when ready, for CSAB and public review. Public comments on draft sections will be taken during CSAB meetings; written comments will be taken in the Fall of 2021, during the public review period for the full compiled draft GSP.
Providing your Input
To join the Interested Parties list to receive notifications of meetings,
If you have property or live in Glenn County email: or
If you have property or live in Tehama County email:
Attend the Corning Subbasin Advisory Board meetings
Corning Subbasin Advisory Board meetings will be held monthly and are open to the public. At these meetings, the technical team will present updates on GSP development and the facilitator and CSAB will solicit stakeholder input.
Attend Public Workshops
The Project Team will host two GSP workshops anticipated in Fall 2020 and Summer 2021 to provide additional information to Corning Subbasin stakeholders and allow for additional input.
Provide comments on Draft GSP sections when they are posted and ready for public comment.
Contact GSA staff:
Tehama County: Ryan Teubert
Glenn County: Lisa Hunter
Glenn Colusa Irrigation District: Thad Bettner
Resources on SGMA
California Department of Water Resources SGMA Program
​ Groundwater-Management
DWR’s Brochure on Domestic Well Users and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)
State Water Resources Control Board SGMA Page
Corning Subbasin Factsheet
Corning Subbasin: Sustainable Groundwater Management
Visit the Glenn County Water Resources website for additional information on the Corning Subbasin:
Visit the Glenn County Water Resources website for additional information on SGMA:
Visit the Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District website for additional information on Tehama County GSPs and the Corning Subbasin: